2 bags ORGANIC Green Beans
5 leaves organic mint
1 organic banana
Kitchen Utensils:
Food Network Steamer
Ninja Blender
Beaba Food storage
Martha Stewart mason jars
Steamed 2 bags Green Beans 10 minutes in the Food Network Steamer.
Transfered the steamed Green Beans to the Ninja with some water.
Combined with mint and blended mixture.
The mixture was very refreshing. Although I was worried it was a little too minty so I added a banana to calm the mint flavor slightly.
We have to introduce our foods to the baby one at a time due to the fear of allergies. We started a few weeks back with just Green Beans and we recently tired just bananas. Since there was no reaction to either food it is safe to add the mint.
The 2 bags of Organic Green Beans from Whole Foods filled two Beaba trays which would last us about 1 week. It will be interesting if Jace enjoys this puree or decides he doesn't like it.
Steamed 2 bags Green Beans 10 minutes in the Food Network Steamer.
Transfered the steamed Green Beans to the Ninja with some water.
Combined with mint and blended mixture.
The mixture was very refreshing. Although I was worried it was a little too minty so I added a banana to calm the mint flavor slightly.
We have to introduce our foods to the baby one at a time due to the fear of allergies. We started a few weeks back with just Green Beans and we recently tired just bananas. Since there was no reaction to either food it is safe to add the mint.
The 2 bags of Organic Green Beans from Whole Foods filled two Beaba trays which would last us about 1 week. It will be interesting if Jace enjoys this puree or decides he doesn't like it.